Help Us In Protecting our Planet


For All of Us

The world is currently travelling through the 6th mass extinction. This is and will affect biodiversity and the ecosystem services they provide to humans. We, in developing countries will be affected more because of limited capacity and resources to adapt. Addressing the direct and underlying drivers of biodiversity loss is our ambitious mission. Placing greater priority on biodiversity and nature based solutions is important now than ever for sustainable development and human well-being. Your support will help us race against the time to protect our planet earth.







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About Nature Tanzania

Nature Tanzania is an independent membership national conservation NGO in Tanzania, with its offices located at TEMDO Njiro road Arusha Tanzania. It is guided by its Constitution and a five year strategy 2017 – 2022. Nature Tanzania is a national membership-based conservation NGO. It is governed by an independent board of directors and an Annual General Meeting (AGM). Being a membership NGO, our members are our strength.

Tanzania country is rich in biodiversity and therefore very important for conservation. The country has recorded over 1,200 species of birds. We are using birds as indicators of ecosystem health and a tool for biodiversity conservation. The organization is under the Non-Governmental Organizations Act, 2002 to operate in Tanzania mainland. We are working with communities, the private sector and the government in areas identified as Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA) and Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA).

Our projects and initiatives are contributing towards delivery of goal 1, 2, 3, 6, 13, 14 and 15 of the SDGs. They also contributed to the following Aichi Biodiversity Targets; 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12 and 14. We are also piloting Nature Based Solutions (NbS). NbS are becoming important in addressing global societal challenges i.e. climate change, food and water security, human health and socio-economic development.

We Have the Power to Impact Our Future, and We’re Doing Something About It

Our work and activities are aligned and global and national conservation targets. We are working with the national, regional and local governments in planning and implementation of programs that support biodiversity conservation and human development. We are committed in supporting the government of Tanzania in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and other relevant conventions. We are also keen in piloting and implementing Nature-Based Solutions.

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Our Projects

The world is currently travelling through the 6th mass extinction. Unlike previous extinction, human beings are behind the 6th mass extinction. This is and will affect biodiversity and the ecosystem services they provide to humans. We in developing countries will be affected more because of limited capacity and resources to adapt. Addressing the direct and underlying drivers of biodiversity loss is our ambitious mission. Placing greater priority on biodiversity and nature based solutions is important now than ever for sustainable development and human well-being. We will continue to work from this angle to ensure that our organization contribute to solutions of the ongoing challenges. Nature Tanzania is implementing projects and initiatives that are having positive impacts on nature and communities. Please explore our projects below.

Institutional Capacity Building Project

Funded by NABU, this project aims at building Nature Tanzania’s capacity to deliver concrete actions on the ground.


With initial funding from the Darwin Initiative to BirdLife International, Nature Tanzania is now managing the Community Revolving Fund (CRF) project at Lake Natron Ramsar Site.

Important Bird Area (IBA) Monitoring Project

Funded by the African Bird Club, this project is monitoring the identified IBAs of Tanzania. This is done in collaboration with Dr. Jasson John and the Attraction Birding Club (ABC).


This is one of our strategic initiatives aiming at engaging our members in biodiversity monitoring work. Here, the bird ringing and monitoring training program is the flagship activity.


With funding from NABU and CCG, this project is supporting communities and local government authorities in Kyerwa district to conserve the Grey-crowned Crane.

The Board

Mr. John Salehe

Mr. John Salehe


Mr. Sirili Akko

Mr. Sirili Akko

General Secretary

Mr. Lota Melamari

Mr. Lota Melamari


Ms. Mwanaidi Mkwizu

Ms. Mwanaidi Mkwizu


Mr. Thomas Mbise

Mr. Thomas Mbise


Ms. Gloria Bideberi

Ms. Gloria Bideberi


Mr. James Matee

Mr. James Matee


Featured Initiatives

Call for applications 4th cohort BiMO cohort – Nature Tanzania

Nature Tanzania now invites applications for 4th cohort of the Biodiversity Monitoring (BiMO) field training and mentoring program. If interested, you should send an email to copying to request an application...


At Nature Tanzania, we believe in building capacities for nature conservation. This is a core mission of our objectives to engage communities to conserve nature. As part of this vision, Nature Tanzania signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the University of...

Vacancy Announcement – Species Conservation Officer

1.     Introduction: Nature Tanzania is a national conservation Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with interests in biodiversity conservation, community empowerment and engagement. The mission of the organization is to conserve and restore key biodiversity habitats...

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$49,000 Needed

Appeal for the Conservation of Long-billed Forest Warbler

long-billed Forest-warbler (Artisornis moreaui) is a near-endemic and Critically Endangered bird species that can be reliably found in Amani Nature Forest Reserve. High pressure/threats from agriculture, logging and invasive species have resulted in rapid alteration and fragmentation of its habitat, putting the species on the brinck of extinction. Some population are found outside the protected area networks exacerbating the threats. Urgent actions are needed in order to save this species and its habitats in the East Usambara Mountains.

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The quarterly newsletter is a very informative and educative publications. I get to know updates of the conservation actions in Tanzania by reading this newsletter. I therefore recommend everyone to subscribe so that they are able to get news and update every quarter.

- Khalid Mwinyi

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